“ La réccurence - die Wiederkehr”
La réccurence/ die Wiederkehr
format: 1080p/24, B/W, 07:25, stereo
a scenic reflexion by Anna Maria Tekampe
Director(Regie/Buch)/ Cut : Anna Maria Tekampe
A women alone in a house: writing, thinking, imagening - somewhere, it could be anywhere. Water, shadows, a women walking down the street; stopping at the very last house, she rings the doorbell...
The title „la récurrence/ die Wiederkehr” is refering to a daily-routine, everything seems to be normal, but suddenly the imagination, the mind emerges the scene. The video- essay has an enigmatic character, there is no solution, no clear dramaturgy, the film is circular, could go on forever, like the mind, circling around a thought. It tries to express a state of mind, in which you enter when you are about to access the deepest spaces inside your mind.
In moments you encounter yourself, but first don’t recognize yourself, trying to discover a deeper sense, but not being able to keep it or shape it into words. That is why I used music and sound, but no dialogue. The chosen music is a piece for flute and piano by John Cage. The two instruments are communicating, arguing, even fighting, but do also rely on each other. Furthermore you will find motives, which refer to the allegory of Platons Cave and to the thinking of Maurice Blanchot.
“I like big bails and I cannot lie”
Director, Camera, Buch, Sound/ Cut: Anna Tekampe
Year: 2015/ 2016
Length: 4:18min
When in 1989 the cold war ended and the wall in Germany came down, the era of the so called “End of History“ in Francis Fukuyama’s terms began. The End of History marks the moment when capitalism became the only option. That very year the “Charging Bull“ was installled in Wall Street, New York City. The bull is a symbol of financial force and potency. People come from all over the world and want to touch his balls – it is supposed to bring good financial luck.
Young girls, old grannies, asian men, american men, latino men and women, caucasian people - everyone is eager to pose with a pair of big balls. Text banners crawl through the picture, just like the tickers we know from the stock market. The only difference is that these numbers are refering to the bailouts from the banks.
One would think that after the crash of 2008 and the resulting crisis, people would have woken up. One would think that we all learned something, or at least that it would not be cool anymore to have big balls at all. But no, it is all still fun and games. The work has a critical but also ironical approach - it is an illustration of how fast everyone forgets. I like big bails and I cannot lie.